I experimented automating my micro blog so that it’s generated from github issues.

In this blog post, I will show you how I redesigned my blogging workflow.

System Diagram

system diagram

All piplines are run on github platforms.


Normally, we google around issues, and paste code from stackoverflow. That’s it. Nothing more. However, there should be something we learned there. That’s what we should log.

I love blogging, but writing on my computer is somehow tedious. I need to establish publishing method that I can do on my mobile phone.

Using 3rd party services like medium isn’t my option, since I want to manage contents by myself.


I came across github action based blogging r7kamura/diary. When I saw his code, it inspired me to write my own system.

First off, I based off of Jekyll blog, which is ruby static site generator. Reason is that I used to use it and I am familiar with.

I noticed r7kamura created a dedicated github action. Creating a custom github action was a techincal challenge, but I followed his way.


It traverses github issues that are closed and labeled. I handle labels as category. Now each issue is supposed to have only a single label(code).

It seems he is parsing issue comments as well as body, but I am only using main body.

Eventually, til-cli generates all posts, and archive page whenever any changes happen in github issues. Making github actions helped me understand the depth of github action.

Why Github Issue?

Because it’s as easy as managing blog CMS.